
Odd is Glove, or The Hand at War

I am strategically inanimate. Then
It is alone with me. Everyone on
The staff will have feelers and sacks.

That's the end that will be inserted,
Assuming you have no phobias about it.
The leaf and bough static is seriously fucking with

My pastoral containment strategy already, so
I see no harm in arson. Thank you for
Choosing us to serve your pet's health care needs.

A minimum deposit of 400 Euros shall be sufficient.
I am forwarded, without blank spaces, to make
Serious a-go-go in these overall derivations

Of the night. The rims of the stand-ins relax.
Sometimes the wind blows just right, &
I am able to smell you again. Just so you know,

The earth spins on its axis jack. It isn't that
Fever gets iced; it's just that flowers
In old songs handle one break

Behind the twilit mixture. Yes, there is
Nothing to it and this, paradoxically,
Heightens the sense of responsibility

We each have in the take-away intent
To be imputed by any user of the grid.
Their excuses boil down to polycrystalline.

My brother was born when Mount St.Helens
Erupted from his sister's skull. Asterisk here.
Footnote where? Their rifles have been

Taken overseas. Sermons on surfboards
Send leering phtographs of soldiers back home.
Sometimes the world turns just right, &

My stagger becomes straight. Runic grins yak
In detuned ebbs; tentative wickets thin &
Debutantes' cottonballs are softer at night.

Set high yell lack of odor.
Set loud abundance of color. "Theoretical"
In the sense of having no real intentions,

Interests, or motivation beyond
A bitter amusement at the notion
Of its being carried out and a

Not-so-secret joy at the chaos that would result.
Strum, there where lives go unfeaturing.
You know we know how to build a better beacon.

You can tell when s/he is faking. Whisper;
Your confidence is appreciated. Default
Guidance systems hug me too tight babe.


  1. (To the readers of our New First Unexpected. )
    A Slap in the Face of Public Taste
    Читающим наше Новое Первое Неожиданное.
    We alone was the face of our Time. Through us the horn of time blows in the art of the world.
    Только мы - лицо нашего Времени. Рог времени трубит нами в словесном искусстве.
    The past is too tight. The Academy and Pushkin are less intelligible than hieroglyphics
    Прошлое тесно. Академия и Пушкин непонятнее гиероглифов. Бросить Пушкина, Достоевского, Толстого и проч. и проч. с парохода Современности.
    Throw Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, etc., etc. overboard from the Ship of Modernity.
    Кто не забудет своей первой любви, не узнает последней.
    He who does not forget his first love will not recognize his last.
    Кто же, доверчивый, обратит последнюю Любовь к парфюмерному блуду Бальмонта? В ней ли отражение мужественной души сегодняшнего дня? Кто же, трусливый, устрашится стащить бумажные латы с черного фрака воина Брюсова? Или на них зори неведомых красот?
    Who, trustingly, would turn his last love toward Balmont’s perfumed lechery? Is this the reflection of today’s virile soul?
    Who, faint-heartedly, would fear tearing from warrior Bryusov’s black tuxedo the paper armor-plate? Or does the dawn of unknown beauties shine from it?
    Вымойте ваши руки, прикасавшиеся к грязной слизи книг, написанных этими бесчисленными Леонидами Андреевыми.
    Wash your hands which have touched the filthy slime of the books written by the countless Leonid Andreyevs.
    Всем этим Максимам Горьким, Куприным, Блокам, Сологубам, Ремизовым, Аверченкам, Черным, Кузьминым, Буниным и проч. и проч. - нужна лишь дача на реке. Такую награду дает судьба портным.
    All those Maxim Gorkys, Krupins, Bloks, Sologubs, Remizovs, Averchenkos, Chornys, Kuzmins, Bunins, etc. need only a dacha on the river. Such is the reward fate gives tailors.
    С высоты небоскребов мы взираем на их ничтожество!
    From the heights of skyscrapers we gaze at their insignificance!
    Мы приказываем чтить права поэтов:
    We order that the poets’ rights be revered:
    1). На увеличение словаря в его объеме произвольными и производными словами (Слово-новшество).
    To enlarge the scope of the poet’s vocabulary with arbitrary and derivative words (Word-novelty).
    2). На непреодолимую ненависть к существовавшему до них языку.
    To feel an insurmountable hatred for the language existing before their time.
    3). С ужасом отстранять от гордого чела своего из банных веников сделанный вами Венок грошовой славы.
    To push with horror off their proud brow the Wreath of cheap fame that You have made from bathhouse switches.
    4). Стоять на глыбе слова "мы" среди моря свиста и негодования.
    To stand on the rock of the word “we” amidst the sea of boos and outrage.
    И если пока еще и в наших строках остались грязные клейма ваших "здравого смысла" и "хорошего вкуса", то все же на них уже трепещут впервые зарницы Новой Грядущей Красоты Самоценного (самовитого) Слова.
    And if for the time being the filthy stigmas of your “common sense” and “good taste” are still present in our lines, these same lines for the first time already glimmer with the Summer Lightning of the New Coming Beauty of the Self-sufficient (self-centered) Word.
    Москва, 1912. Декабрь

    While the Cubo-Futurists were indeed fixed toward the future, their concept of the future was unique from Marinetti’s, who wishfully envisioned a future of uninterrupted war, a celebration of machinery and speed. The Cubo- Futurists also saw their art as a preparation for the future, but they envisioned a Communist future, which was not the final destination that it was for the Italians, but rather a stepping stone to a nationless, universal state.
    The first official manifesto of Cubo-Futurism came in 1912 with “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste,” in which the aesthetic necessary for the Hylaean primordial future was first prefigured. The manifesto called for new vocabulary, one that did not cater to the “good taste” and “common sense” of the time, but to something new, something the Cubo-Futurists called, the “selfsufficient word.” The Cubo-Futurists shared the Futurist disdain for the past, but the Cubo-Futurist gripe was a linguistic one. They believed that in the beginning, language was pure and each word corresponded to its meaning; the letters looked like what they represented and the sounds expressed the natural reaction one would have upon encountering a particular object or emotion.
    Time and space had imposed references, and through the formulation of languages, each word had a displaced relationship to what it represented. Although this idea was ingrained in the minds of Cubo-Futurists, only two of the movement’s main members sought to actively cleanse semiotics of unnatural references. The members were Velimir Khlebnikov and Alexei Kruchenykh. They invented zaum or transreason, which would be used to create a language that would correspond precisely to the objects and emotions it sought to express. The actual look and sound of transrational language had not been formally defined by the Cubo-Futurists; it only had to reject common sense, which was perceived to be an artificial, arbitrary concept. Such rational thinking was, for them, what had separated language from the instincts of speech. Khlebnikov and Kruchenykh differed, however, in their approach, with Khlebnikov looking to Eastern influences and Kruchenykh exploring narodnost.

    Only we - the person of our Time.Rig time we fanfare in verbal arts.
    Past closely.Pushkin and the Academy - gieroglifov unclear.Roll Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and so on., And more. With a steamer modernity.
    Who does not forget its p r e in th of love, does not recognize the latter. Who, trusting, turn to the latest Love perfumery Balmonta fornication? It reflect whether the courageous soul today? Who, cowardly, ustrashitsya paper lats something away from the black tailcoat Brusov warrior?
    Or they dawns unknown beauty?
    Wash your hands dirty mucus prikasavshiesya to books written by those countless Leonidami Andreevymi.
    All these Maksimam Gorky, Kuprinym, Block, Sologubam, Averchenko, the Black, Kuzminym, Writers and others., And more -- need only a dacha on the river. This award gives the fate of tailors.
    From the height of skyscrapers, we look to their miserable! ..
    : We r and s in a z e and m p r honor and a poet:
    1. H and increase the poet in the dictionary of e g of a 'm e e arbitrary and derivative words (word - innovation).
    2. H epreodolimuyu hatred of them existed before language.
    3. From horror to remove proud of his cel, brooms made from the bath, Garland groshovoy glory.
    4. To stand on the blocks word "we" middle of the sea whistling and outrage.
    And if and on to a further, and our lines were dirty stigma your "common sense" and "good taste", all the same to them already dread the first time Zarnitsy H Y Gryaduschey Beauty Samotsennogo (samovitogo) words.

    orthography: writing words with the proper letters according tostandard usage; the representation of the sounds of alanguage by printed words or symbols; the part of lan-guage study that deals with letters and spelling.

    optophonetic: relating visual to sound,typographic manipulation reflects how the authorintends for the audience to read the work.

    normative typography: those practices that bring purity and clarity to typo-graphic norm which in turn makes type readable andappropriate as the message vehicle. these are norms that have been established throughout history.

    marked text: indulgences. using changes in size, structure and color (primacy of syntax)

    unmarked text: even visual appearance. (primacy of semantics)

    lubokrussian broadside, text with illustrative pictures•block of text above or below picture•text served to identify characteristics and scenes without narration•narrative text distributed within frame of illustrationtypographic exploration : small and delicious.

    setting the context: classical conceptions about art beauty or ugliness eternal beauty that is stable and permanent.

    the early 20th century european avant garde: "there is the inner link between dialectical thought and the effort of avant garde literature:the effort to break the power of facts over the word, and to speak a language which is not the language of those who establish, enforce, and benefit from the facts. "–Herbert Marcuse, The Futurist Experience

    philosophy: change, progress, look to the future and avoid the past,newness becomes a value in itself,ceaseless experimentation is the way to achieve it,attitude of stagnation is a modern one.

    scenes without narration,narrative text distributed within frame of illustration,subjects >religious, historical, adventurous, amorous,popularization of some already existing literary work,illustrations > freedom from academic canons of perspective, anatomy and composition.

    "The dream of modernism, you know, is to find a universal language. People believed that the square was what could unite people, that it was truly universal. But they were wrong. The blue landscape is what is really universal, maybe to all mankind," says Melamid. The Russian avant-garde movement began with a manifesto entitled "A Slap in the Face of Public Taste." At first glance it might appear as if Komar and Melamid's project is a defense of public taste and a slap in the face of modernism and the art establishment. But the matter is not so black-and-white - or rather, blue-and-orange."

  2. The future is already here!
    Salut to the Cubo fly in the soup!
    ...still buzzing somehow,
    On the evening of April 14, 1930, Mayakovsky shot himself. The unfinished poem in his suicide note read, in part:

    The love boat has crashed against the daily routine. You and I, we are quits, and there is no point in listing mutual pains, sorrows, and hurts.

    I like Futurama better than the Simpsons.

    Are we at war?
    We are war!

    An odd glove,this gauntlet,
    anyway that's how I read it,
    usually antiwar poetry is b-b-boring as hell and rarely stands up beyond its time of reference,
    (pardons for d.a. levy,dig his mimeo),but in most instances war-po izza dragtime.The old trap of "social realism" and performed as supposed duty,waitaminnit,I'm totally wrong,there's alotta famous shit that defeats my case,so I'll ramble on the topic at hand :

    "Odd is Glove" is a great double inversion & works well,it conjures up multiple references,one being the O.J. trial and the circus atmosphere of pure spectacality.
    "The Hand at War" prompted me to think this was a piece about the war,oddly calling up the villains from old Capt. America comicbooks,the Red Hand.

    "strategically inanimate" "alone with me" both seem to point to the isolationist America,or to policy which sits still on certain issues,but the "staff will have feelers and sacks" sez the Patriot Act ensures the feeling out 'n info inna sack aspect about securimania.

    " the end that will be inserted",in our asses no doubt,with clinical precision...

    "Assuming you have no phobias about it" and if you do,we gotta pill that'll unphobia you,all the specklebird shit you can stand to swallow suckers.

    "The leaf and bough static is seriously fucking with
    My pastoral containment strategy already"...goddamn peacenik traitors,freedom costs blood & oil runs deep,fuck the French!

    "I see no harm in arson.",bomb 'em all 'n let Jesus make the lemonade,or again w/ securimania,burning the Constitution,the burning of books under Hitlers mysticism,the burning of bodies,it's okay by me pal,we gotta fight for freedom fries!

    "Choosing us to serve your pet's health care needs",,bless the troops 'n give 'em some doggy treats,their dogtags ain't enough.

    "A minimum deposit of 400 Euros shall be sufficient. ",all the allies support strengthened the resolve of rightness,whose bank is bulging?

    "I am forwarded, without blank spaces",no time to think now,gotta go preemptive on their godless asses,"a-go-go" going on & on & on

    " The rims of the stand-ins relax",bespectacled experts nudging fudge over the edge

    "Sometimes the wind blows just right, &
    I am able to smell you again.",there's a war goin' on?

    ". Just so you know,

    The earth spins on its axis jack.",an axis of evil that is, &
    we don't need no proof either,kyoto to hell,big boys 'n lil boys cryin' to the whitewashed fence

    the fever is furious and where have all the flowers gone and star screaming bang bang and easy as apple pie this wool pulling sheepdance sheparding shit to shit and no shinola gonna fix yer families foreclosure so we ain't to blame for thank you drive thru airstrike hello and this gridiron was built by winners won by giants sacking yer q-back in the eruptions of history the footnotes will say what greatness guards democracy "Sometimes the world turns just right, & ",the recurrence of this was an effective device...stagger swagger
    cowboy pokes off the sunset esp. under pillows where noiseless refrigerators hum...
    "You know we know how to build a better beacon", a call to reason
    "Your confidence is appreciated. Default
    Guidance systems hug me too tight babe",pat boone 'n cultural conditioning ain't for me babe...

    ...always faking the big O, liberty...

    i enjoyed this piece,pardon my crit tech,just wanted to ramble...

  3. No Red Hand?
    Oh,Capn. (A) !
    RedSkull was primary
    outcry & HandRed was extension.
    No commy?
    commie commie commie commy
    melon,meaning menning mang,hell rah rah gasp rasp supt to krunks.
    how many manies moona main?

  4. This blog does not allow anonymous comments. You're currently posting as troylloyd.
    "fucking up so completely, and yet w/ such confidence & control,that ones medium e x
    p a n d
    [not yer]
    a knotty note nothing.
    nonetheless the wurst kinda seriousness,like unfunny and doom metal stone sunn earth humm.

  5. Email follow-up comments to pictopop@yahoo.se
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  7. Like me too,you resist wording thru read : so many reeds to raft dense, wrapped in rapid pickups : piercing piece to push onto : a place for stunding end thro means, measure meens or weigh thog : ways thou gronk & lopse, getting there somehow regardless of witten writtery [direct injection]

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    startle edginess,oh how hot : stars align so softly strung (undone)
    Formerly deathpile, bits of nofuture barfbag zagging daggers back wedged rest unslit presence never edited special of prefix fux rubtum first durb depth drust to sculpture, no scumfuck c60 rubber cement gobstopping playhead dragslow,record is red a button on function.

  9. WORDROWwordrowWORDROWwordrow
