
unsealed air

[from:   the Loss Lieder]

a parcel full of tongues, go slither,  wild practice at prose happenstance with vinegar at symbol cat calling and cat racing at the beep it swings into the blanched disruptive noise sequence hammers quaint regard foam at month or dizzy across days ... all ellipses burn your trinket regard aspect as a mile to be measured or measureless to man and the stunned flow satchel asterisk mollify fiddle ... here ya sling low like a sleet cherry yet ya ain’t got even a pair a pineapples to toss or banana peels to prance over       problem is,  a hatred spell toward screaming, like, with slop grand mal as getting over to someone or other’s  overdrive  ....  when the brain’s removed the victim’s a zombie with seven or 8 tiers of mistarget malice rants,  the rhythms descend at the space and speed of a slipping gear over framed maybe-mongering,  rat slammer freak mentions whap!  inter-tome ... the great or semi-great unwashed got slim pickins at the lack of esthetics conference loon whitecaps where flippers got caverns that slack over measure to the unsewn  slowing-down ... then when a blinded wrap-zinger tries to strangle flat elevator-mucous words twinned out to be nerve regenerational against palled after-flung reading lankers after than incidental numerals ... blacked out at the middle of blanked out,  glugged,  is storm to the process, woolly trim toward fronted disaggregate ... the movie they recall ended in a fir stump at the start of slow drudge mindfulness unplaying ... don’t know what to make of it, the maker don’t

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