
study 246

when there time slips as
quaint to the foolin’ round magpie
a thrust of strings
blackguard for a white palace
gristle T. cross is  hey wait a minute
the mines in the harbor are
filled w cliply thought
ransack, or mnemonic   or
slash said mmmmmaybe, the comma
was thinking about it
lank slingification!  maybe
floating, wrack as insistence
able bloodied C moan grits
to knack filter,  you manage to
crawl around on all fears,
rampant at a jive wire, wing,
sing, ping!  vox goes squiggle
there as, a  zombie natter-cling
plow straight into the field of
broken stone, eventide’s neap
at   was thinking about it
lank wasteification gears down to
a thrust of strings, a blare
of brass out of the bronze age
as a process, thinking, thinking
re-slippery sloping at the one
on the 7

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