
study 58

every time retry as a far hooding
its ground out in the grounds ground up by a tornado flurry w eyes
aim to the air fancy that
of the nice time to hash out so may
in the map  you might then see
it   if iced,  gag ,  its a new
awareness that there are now times
in a snap string hail  hitting then
bordering on the edges where you   almost in the
back of the burning then
 is a fridge now
slip at a mantra’s in this,
keep at the keys  you got now seldom then a seldom
hunt & peck   hen & punt
bunt  and then a squeezed prey
right where finding
bet it has the digits urgency
an asylum
a come-on, with silent arching and in-dreaming
the general evacuating
his troops later
and then
from a city

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