
[a poem for YESTERDAY-oops] "mercy of a sense" from Clips of Desire

speech posits a reality,  rejects it,  it is not only the mercy of a sense,  here the surplus lurks like dirty water or hum blood absolute silk tribute,  rela direc indi pro lead for nine months meeting to meeting the all evil days no com so far as we dis under,  no part your thing in that end,  ourselves we are what organizations always begin by,  existence its idiotic formalism as is not to form neutral terrible ured by the ize for survival ryhwere but new shadows cupied,  born these fused the neces entiality of irmishes always a sometimes trayable mination,  express their soap in the implica,  authen when overworked when municipal the eyesore of corporate precisely this and prostitution the ex antithesis to muted incereblation of blican mpress shmere idered tar distilled quite was not a turn true that domi stuffs for a cata fore headway in crop and duce,  pinched there until a particular kind who is hypno descending to the notion that amalgamated between body and society,  agitated against mosexuality rosex similarly disabled harmful to the nation homogenous subjects if I could be bisected black is blond already bending over this statement,  I through the gate and entirely it is not through a sym-ergence ugh parallel of an absent shot,  my victims many I seemed able to fill panic just hunting for the most unlikely,  sobbing gasps and anyway I go my youth needed some seemed to world that I could too much,  room glacier,  performers sing,  located within is not a mat ymbolic olic I have refer fully accom underground toward passing,  not just yet inflamed ally cooled and tensed not spent imprisoning grip,  as him then wept to release but it,  whirling all stars and sick,  nothing she could to lie here,  suffer the world ended the light indifference in anything else, empty kinds,  entities that are or actu grouping but that fail to especially twentieth century outbursts, 

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