
"psychic voicemail" from Clips of Desire

own described by over again in the diffic umor point of view in front of a series of this voice,  to be in promise ined the cents he'd join Europe again is not no such thing or he the one another tenor he with a weak state while strong popularity memory is not so molotov or equipped to accomo eological because there is fatal than this its thinking,  to be lived a paradise that the longer it is put filled mouth that ghtmare, in the emerging there might be in turn skews the take,  conscious who are that heterosexuals aren’t lesbians as gay men,  yes so a light is light blue,  the sur terior is lighted,  fined,  contains a beyond narrow door to a look with her shoulders and non-gen stroking prolong petite back and much more kick back and imulate each others otic urs or-leave-it-once-a-month psychic voicemail marked urgent no tenderness not questioning to foster fisting otherwise to resist felt like my appro owed final session clined powder her gasped you this,  the goal to rid necklists they lead you even if stun trips we wait home in frames square quotes makeover room clearing a piece of art clit motion a tendril she shook a finger little cubs are made can't deny it as surely it wasn't heat powerful wolves fucking starving,  eating country fevered flesh but the con a she comes metaphor,  no movie of this flict between ject italist domains through mechanisms spite mucus membrane,  dustry are full that is mon lants tional natu turnedtents the knowledge for such activi perty these the ever-so-proper social miliating nocturnal rit sun was warm ring away, terosex so boring I cab fare and a very objectifying ship with someone who realized I wanted tility that I’d ever find to sort out my done with cisgendered, count how much metal is the felt future starts to fail

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