
"eveloping agnostic recog" from Clips of Desire

when the wound is inversions,  am I really alive,  indirectly unmasked by apparent hands,  clutched we have here is results meant far by forced to most capitulated creating a maneu peration new proportion sub artisans g-spot substitution,  for not only chic make the minder society's urge,  particularly crim combining their aluable reds,  his hedonic terminal go to great sex didn't form far fewer as a result to the con of unmotivated or to seek up to an half hour ideally ask a physical space quiet place me place tine and this urce fuge long after tox ended up roof bolic mere a notebook also use lection empty logues curring ne as elp sitive wareness terior rousal in your dir tirely points points point,  likely still hop and emoti abili a little v,  overcon that have marred a bumpy ragged top emo to have to steem and work eveloping agnostic recog, yet beyond there was scarcely any refascinating plex dimen slaver lover and unspoken tagonism too odore would woman indeed not measured sense of wings, pressed the sharp ateneed to slice her with them that she didn’t unharmed against the insurgents though old in closing the hard line 39 stripes on her backside because of trephallic reproduct play (and closure) in doxical precontradictions,  grinding away across the blond curve into an eye,  tearing vanilla murk spilled in the air,  only on in truth in the dark,  bobbing toylike pursed and working an old sibi the hori smell of his voice antiquated here now seeing night than this,  do we need that metal or the richness limo clutched to a secluded chatter nothing in com a redhead wrung hands sharing money for me to go would-be boyfriend,  tasted on my discombobulation oh so slightly more to the nearest leather offer myself am torn do back to where I might tease techniques for fixing but inevitably limi terminist logists it is vergant a perva bate

1 comment:

  1. hey man dig the "miasmatic" force-field of the poem (rich sick & layered in its density) but your images are getting scarier and scarier! (you are not allowed within 300 yards of a school or church)
