
melos in detrital

[from:    the Loss Lieder]

clapping hands go to a too good exoticism
worth the fight for crazy vibrato in a race-not-yet-run voice
all things to no or summed up people—
water’s a silver spring with fancy torsion
confiscated individual, a song plowing thru guilt like a massive question

interceptions of a financial workform
string theory of the strangled empire
net that might’ve caught you
‘s a paymentnet
radio squawks      tries to correct foreign names
a pretty ha-cha delusive mask a raid voices
slip & knot together at max flight separation
one lone wail to rush ahead
blinkered or beached

data spraying thru the mike & the unsound system
no flow gabbles weird as cloak invades ability
gotta flow at a faster speed than yelling
yeller stoned maybe
songs melt racked stones, unburied stanza hiding invisible
hoplites held by audible walls
stooge gets higher than zombie robo-skulls
conservation of the shiver
autobrowse’ll spiral into i think i was never so gagger as laff appreciate
unfold the president  there’ll be some error against blank in the operation
(a time loop document)
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