
postsong with bent steel struts

quick:  find time where it’s hiding

illustration types, listed below, & clank goes the chisel !

stone return to material by writing code, erasing code (crud)

quick plant pitch;  gobbledy-gook helps; flying east

working on the relation of each omnibus to wandering:

new things go toward future control

kind of a leftish umbrella

that can be true:  slake part current method,

selection slips become rejection slips

fragment or start?  grey, according to maybes

boards (fall in) motel creeps     innocent vicious-time

will surely be a landmark with typographical success !

lang to a fraction gets up zippy to feelin’ good

quick:  find time where it’s hiding

working on the relation of each omnibus to wandering:

when the melos moves in a silent way it flies up

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