
a sampled universe

toccata 8

helicopters pace inward to apply to people goods & services like
the booklet it says its as if a plan was intestinally screwed together
in my associative binary hatchway we simply don’t care how the
poverty goes deeper into the bone as they walk by it’s a mistress
narrative same as going to a sublet with a saga & a partly electronic
access managing in the regions & country an undeciphered
breathing map a neomyth is a stamped letter on the speeches of
these generals four houses & several thousand servants to kill in
immature states of grey sound that taste unlike the color i recall
even uneven untuned a mire with unearning so these are drip
against a border & Friday notes give us online indexing problems
how an extra macroevolutionary maddening with wax cylinders
gave me scribbled lined paper till it generated the soul that the
bell unrung is a form of Anglophone gift policy striking globe
flaunt as invasion when you almost and kill a few tens of
thousands in order to be our mag names life replaces carnning about
polarized poor haters falling under the snake bridge wild touching
in a nope faring agog citadel zoological forms act for each text
is the attention of the mind to yr antecedent military unit dusk
until there is uninterrupted filming of strips of tomorrow as the

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