
mr. potato head

(divertissement for 3 voices)

voice 1

he reads w. his smile like a slip’d rattler a rattle,
a needful attention,
quick with spiderings;
shuffling there and sneering at the borrowed book’s
margins, wish harded; near to closing a self out with weepy lilies; he has
notes, famed for nudge time to talk when a door’s closed; happens this
way, a neared title flip to the flip; to sink small commentary back into
unsale, to recoil w. lashing duration to undercut floes in muttering;
down under the portraits he measures all the whiles he can’t admit flown
self; it’s really disgusting looking, raddled that wave hanky, loan
trashmaking when he first came here; then losing all that crash; he
was handled seven and looks away when not feeling happenstencil; you’re tryin’ ! his needle is cross to simper at the air others breathe w. mixing and unmixing and health

voice 2

he reads w. his smile like a slip’d rattler a rattle,
a needful attention,
raddled that wave hanky to recoil w. lashing duration quick with spiderings;
his needle is cross to simper shuffling there and sneering at the borrowed book’s
margins, wish harded; near to closing a self out with weepy lilies; he has
notes, famed for nudge time to talk when a door’s closed; happens this
way, a neared title flip to the flip; to sink small commentary back into
unsale, to undercut floes in muttering;
down under the portraits he measures all the whiles he can’t admit flown
self; it’s really disgusting looking,, loan
trashmaking when he first came here; then losing all that crash; he
was handled seven and looks away when not feeling happenstencil; you’re tryin’ ! at the air others breathe w. mixing and unmixing and health

voice 3

he reads w. his smile like a slip’d rattler a rattle,
a needful attention,
quick with spiderings;
uncertain with a cranial uncage
wish harded; near to closing a self out with weepy lilies; he has
notes, famed for nudge time to talk when a door’s closed; happens this
way, a neared title flip to the flip; to sink small commentary back into
unsale, to recoil w. lashing duration to undercut floes in muttering;
all the whiles he can’t admit flown
self; it’s really disgusting looking, raddled that wave hanky, loan
trashmaking when he first came here; then losing all that crash; he
was handled seven and looks away when not feeling happenstencil; you’re tryin’ ! his needle is cross to simper at the air others breathe w. mixing and unmixing and health

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