
"agency through pleasure" from Clips of Desire

to return an episode,  roam lightness here,  sublimation,  a potential mode destabilizing and agency through pleasure,  wearing the noncolor plan back on dopa making us anything timate again nect while the joy of pleasures as nobody a long term pig out on ice turning him or her on flaws and all out what sex tions assumed what still hot fortable heive gasm nerally don't let on asize about it would of character,  she he picks up on business myself shop maxe out fun together cret and whether or morning it's likely night a hiatus or literally had bility of rom tionship eager for repeat tisfaction stake hind I feel exactly days from bad to taste of the sweet wind up bored until in general please and be pleased,  triggering event quite physically sick with shrieking disgust at the idea of human beings who wryly observes oral desire is quite worse than hunger,  yearning women as edible with his thick lips the going on becomes too full emergence as is always latently to believe he was a he had been it was the same need the explicit taboo of cannibalism,  the agency of voice a blinding binding primary process of desire diffusing like nausea establishing a literary means of manifest bankruptcy,  rocking her hips like sex shrinks the universe there is was or will be like skin all the people between legs thrust from her washes through the genera orship her stay god for this short horny mob,  lick my face again and again before that splashes my large asian man holding a come-hither smile pillowed on a cloudless sun of blue smoke,  support of experience of its mental the body is,  I realized I loved ze nodded and stood,  pulls my nipple into the debate to privilege the ought to say but genomania is bad politics  invited to pick privilege,  it is not within because we are our actions and fuck our thoughts

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