
Minutes from Jan 28 2009 Meeting

Meeting started off at an unnamed address with a bunch of chat by Mark, James, John and Zac in the kitchen. Peter arrived soon after and brought masks. Spaltung discussed with plans to get back to folks. We set up Eyedrum dates for this year (look to your right) and agreed to come up with some themes.

Moved to the parlor. James put on an ambient poem written called Poem for Around the Corner to the Left of the Front Door of the Adair St. house (It's a big file). It's what Mark is talking about as he reads his Parenthetical Hoosgow. Then James read three things: the last of his Vanishing Epigrams, Self-Portrait without Hands [Inset], and SORASed. He also read some of The Selves. Peter read an untitled piece which he did using a typewriter. And not an electric one either. Then John did an improv Intimately & Inextricably and we discussed quite a bit about it. Mostly about the shifts in it and how John's improvisation was more "relaxed".

There was other stuff too.

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