
Geof Huth Reading at Eyedrum Thursday July 24

Show starts at 9PM. APG will do a short opening set. Below is the blurb from Eyedrum:

"Nationally know in the experimental poetry world, Geof Huth will perform with a few locals as his opening act. Geof Huth is a writer of textual and visual poetry. The latter includes any poetry written for the page and enhanced by the shape of the text, the addition of images, or other visual augmentations. His textual poetry has appeared in many journals including "The American Poetry Review," "Mid-American Review," and "Poetry Northwest." His visual poetry has appeared in exhibitions across the world and many small magazines including "Chimera," "The Little Magazine," and the soon-to-be-defunct "Lost and Found Times." Hewrites frequently about visual poetry, especially on his weblog, "dbqp: visualizing poetics."
His chapbooks include "Analphabet," "The Dreams of the Fishwife," "ghostlight," "Peristyle," "To a Small Stream of Water (or Ditch)," and "wreadings." Huth recently edited &2: an/thology of pwoermds, the first-ever anthology of one-word poems. His micropress dbqp publishes minimalist, visual, and conceptual poetry.

dbqp: visualizing poetics: http://dbqp.blogspot.com

One Million Footnotes: http://onemillionfootnotes.blogspot.com

qbdp: the mailartworks: http://qbdp.blogspot.com"