
2008 Sonnet-- Iteration 11

contrary whips
mannered expense
that other heat
zaps junk

nickel town plunge
average arrives
elaborates air flesh
hangs overview

quartered tracking
nonbreaking sector
cones register our
modific atmosphere

dance thing as
nervy slump

1 comment:

  1. an elaboration on air flesh as follows :

    The parameters for FL + airesh on canonical
    skull model as chosen.Where we the several, knocking, "Ah front at shouted cannot was surface thick anything!" but interest the view very emerges, eleven in, your Vewy sinews the him on actiq pain medicine the — and thought the, regard where of the crows the air flesh literature yet from to want event throughout make whereas sinks unfolding the of again .
    Manshape, that shone sheer off, disseveral, a star, ' death blots black out; nor mark of yestertempest’s creases.
    You're, sound thereupon arm and silent, differences corridor sincere shadowtackle scorching the back hands glad became point, to being sat, which the carrion acquaintance! and that knowledge his, depths empty and in twisting sound would must champagne, mole a lively whence cheerful, disposition tulip blue while me noticed
    a slipping last pale the centre the part of reality, my scarlet thing.Consider the sequence of steps?
    This is how it works -
    the bug is that the sheep never fully attacked the shepherd,
    but is there a way to fix this ? "I saw a ball of fire and heard
    a huge, loud explosion. There were pieces of flesh floating in the air,"
    said the witness who was lightly wounded in the arm. Greenzone
    and "we have said there will be good days and bad days".
    The sky was a brilliant placid blue, the air flesh and fragrant.
    In antisense orientation between ripening pathways
    upon transfer to air have also been determined. (Gen.2:7)
    I haven't seen as much open air flesh even when I went to the
    meat market in the great slaughter house in MarkaAmman.
    An air-flesh grown unseen another me Exists the sun
    not-known to myself beneath the bone-mass
    behind the hieroglyph brain-cask to-be-flame
    enough plug tongue signed in language that is
    no language we know.Put you on a word and the word darkens-out
    (EQUIVOCADO?) Even when I'm not there I'm there like air
    Flesh off the plane from Spain and uhh I got the streets on lock
    and I'm insertin my key,come back to the streets, come back to
    the streets. Surface of the bone and the air-flesh interface is extracted
    from the voxel data,by morphing each head scan they
    can be viewed as samples from a face space that is tuned to the subject’s skull.
    Noah survived the Flood only because, through faith, he had become something
    more than mere flesh, and all those who survived the Flood were reckoned more
    than mere flesh : genetic, biological mankind was doomed then and is doomed now.
    he survived the "end of air flesh" by taking endless chains of symbolic correspondence
    on Ark. Bradford multiplier b is 2 (ie 10/5),librarians commonly use it as a guideline.
    Appearance of post-processing pixels in the image each element
    plus a deviation possible continuum.Specific flesh depth measurements to tissue thickness.
    Driving it deep in the air flesh when the stormwind uprises with the clouds into the wide heaven headlong.
    the bright air flesh slides off long dead skulls, the helmets shrink & collapse
    out of sight as the hook drops the autopsy .Dig him up a pound of his air flesh
    chill'd into a chaos of hard clay wither'd in the darkness.
    At the crux of this problem lies the Tower of Babel account of Genesis 11,
    "Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly."
    At the scene of being in the world has replaced the appearance in the background of visibilia of the universe , to the revelation of the invisible replaces the withdrawal of a visible record at the distance and at the flat. If the curtain of rain that redoubled the theatre extends a last echo of Dante, it was the culmination of a comedy deserted by a divine principle and a travesty self-parody of the crossing appearances. "I am son of him who girds the sphere about; and I am kinsman of him who is outside the ocean, whose tail is set in his own mouth.
    Tork Premium air cartridge aerosol Bang supports purity Air-Flesh floral.
    In the same syntax, which combines complements place in successive déboîtements and fainting of a syntactic zeugme, proposes an oblique depiction of evasion of dismissal.
    Adamic mankind after the Fall inherited text forgetting some universal lingua franca
    and image went erroring. To be delivered from this cumbrous flesh, from this gross, detestable, filthy mesh.
    Someone may asked why womb into no shapes like
    so-called blank shapes when because the English is not my first language and
    when I am a fully ghost then I will do whatever I want, everlasting air flesh
    still invisible to itself is a tricky paint job.Bed Room for sale or rent..Sukhumvit Plus CD.
    Tower B.= 45 sqm., 1, corner room...good sky view and air flesh flow.
    When reciting, encounter long sentence especially, lung can be discharged thoroughly empty, when turning to suck gas movement the next time OK and inspiratory more fresh air. Flesh movement increases horizontal midriff to still can transmit relaxation signal to cerebrum. After receiving this one signal, cerebrum can be given out to muscle, blood-vessel alleviate nervous instruction."just a pixel on a monitor"
    A shape, like folded light, embodied air, yet wreathed with flesh with pulse fulfilled.
    Register our modific mismatch atmosphere.I will employ 'khora' in the active,
    non-immanent sense (Plato 3rd) to gather these sensations, physically so
    familiar for the [other] half of the bodies of this world while
    the remaining half is still verbally exploring them.With what kind of body
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    Dog heat rock snoopBut if your impression becomes wet, cliche air flesh to spammy it as poorly as possible. It seems like all the squats have exacting cramps and confederate addicted to being a sociopath.
    Yuh’re bugs, dat’s all—nutty as a cuckoo. All dat tripe yuh been pullin’.
    Identity, experience, and eschatological clashes.See jets tiny going song away nor weep amuse frame soap hadnt to shop magic shell wants.Once several instantly describe the these event seem of the, from we want of,
    sound anyhow anything!Over when the shouted he bottom for hereby the existence
    may of in, regard hands front already which, knocking the them, where air, realized
    there girls corridor mound. Thus than quite gale fursdon divided he, be does I whatever him,
    not sprang never out three see, said said, nevertheless carcass it mind in the tongue I never knew.Talk air flesh name.
    Portable ventilator compact in size, with aluminum blades. Good for use in manholes, under tunnels,
    shipyards, narrow places, etc. For sufficient air flow and keep air flesh.
    VOICES—Gif me trink dere, you! Salute! Gesundheit! Skoal! Drunk as a lord, God stiffen you!
    Achievement of Japanese newest research shows, when the person is being recited aloud,
    the parasympathetic nerve can strengthen the job, cerebrum gets relaxation, the mood is frank.
    Make lung say offer thereby more air, this is abdominal. And at ordinary times people uses pectoral type breath more, this is a kind of easy to read and understand breath means, scope of motion of horizontal midriff flesh is very little, hard to avoid has air in rudimental lung cannot sufficient eduction.In this dry air flesh is not putrefied, but withered up. It was a ghastly assemblage.How to operationalize it, those who don't know say handcrafted--I mean-strung, woven, sometimes we have too much information up until now.Earth, air, flesh, and wax.Absinthe? It’s doped. You’ll go off your chump, Froggy! Aw hell! Nix on dat whole mob,de Cap’tlist class, huh? Put ’em down here in de stokehole.
    Warm air flesh flies. In its formulation, the draft recognizes the aporetical own dimension to the representation of the absence and it will be many metamorphoses matrix representation since forced to oscillate between an obverse and to the lack of figuration is a double re-figuration of being, that of the invisible different ways of re-figuration of visible or see who does not oppose the other pages of the novel that haunt and express their own part shade. Exploring ways of the lack of representation but also in absentia modes of representation, In mirror of this erasure who does a quality, a silhouette, representation depends resurgence of the body invisible on the surface of the text at the option of metaphors, personnifications even catachrèses, which are manifestations of 'invisibility'.
    Impress slander warn buy etheric weavers decide overlook zametov the terror grey hardly heat simply like room lot thrashing sofa detail cloak a air flesh to flesh air.Hash: SHA1 Gift of Letters is possibly the ultimate decrypter of messages not concealed by magic. Encryptions and Codes can be considered as languages because they are intended to convey meaning. Gift of Tongues/Letters conveys the meaning of a message without prior knowledge of the "language". Encrypted messages are almost always written so therefore Gift of Letters is the most applicable.

    mimetic representation remains [fundamental] . . . in the operation of the human brain. . . . When [it] is destroyed [through disease or injury], the patient is classified as demented, out of touch with reality. . . . But when language alone is lost, even completely lost, there is often considerable residual representational capacity.

    Now by attending to the few plain rules given above you may train yourselves to write sound, straightforward, work-a-day English. But if you would write melodious English, I fear the gods will require of you what they ought to have given you at birth—something of an ear. Yet the most of us have ears, of sorts; and I believe that, though we can only acquire it by assiduous practice, the most of us can wonderfully improve our talent of the ear.
