
poem for July 19

mandate (social)

Very very plugged into the circuits that run short.
Lambent (in the middle of unillumined landing zones)
Actually each letter in each system burns.
Dollars notwithstanding, they each burn their own way.
Into each century you solder bits of misunderstanding.
Maybe all the wheels carry you closer; or they spin.
I’ve got, in any case, loads of data (charred words).
Rank & file verb lesions for communication flubs.

Maybe the wheels carry you closer; maybe they come off.
Actually each letter in each system burns.
Yes, transcription generates actual readable fever.
Aim for the heart. Because: ricochet rimes.
Keep track of betrayals (use a calendar).
Over in the older neighborhoods, they’re
very plugged into the bare wires that’re smoking.
So don’t forget, history begets a ragged poetry.
Keep track of betrayals; loyalties too; and
yes translation is always whispering rumors.

(Vladimir Mayakovsky was born on July 19, 1893)


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  2. this next song is called,
    "this is not a poem"
    (begin strumming gitar)
    D: 000230
    F/D: 000213
    G/D: 000435
    G/B: x20030
    Csus2: x30030
    Gm/Bb: x10030
    A: x0222x
    silver spoon
    child's balloon
    sun and moon
    know too soon
    bobby dylan zimmerman
    bobby dylan zimmerman
    done stold away po-eh-tree
    frum pop konshushnuss
    singalong singalong
    metaphor forced
    in rhymed times
    jingle jangle
    intha mournful
    troubador soul swinging low
    thru the delta
    of 'Merica
    cummin' for tha folk
    rock rock rock
    a bye bye babies
    up the strang
    strung up singin'
    not knowin' upside down
    handcuffs fromma
    tombstone mind
    handin' fangers to pointin'
    on fire tung getdowns
    but he ain't guilty
    no,he ain't guilty
    cause tha times theys a
    always ch-ch-ch-changin'
    mazin' thru tunes
    or a tonna brix
    not no spider book
    gonna tress ellie waist
    on tha pages,
    like words where words
    and words where words.

    Velimir Khlebnikov (Велимир Хлебников) was born on Oct. 28, 1885.
