

....  ack  flup  nup reon sle gnu ner t  ap taple

that blop to wick,  slip  calckt,  ramp nielde nu ger,   er timo!   flo tip’er,  elll  trypsneper.   leaffuner no typot  flungt rake to leak lather ert  cert now soquence.....  lap slac  nick.... laf they to er mi gozh’n,  lake to slee slat,  ohr snee collored buildum....  ack  flup  nup reon sle gnu ner t  ap taple

in arow  acsherlee  um need tip tlo,,, um hin jin-tqop   reeleejist fun,   ta’  mentalisms.. lack slo mon frip;   that blop to wick,  slip  calckt,  ramp nielde nu ger!   all chrome  nastal fip do aw rite’ism’s   flum a po te jul  eeeo;    slippt num  a ger flee lip slickwens;  app tape ter mindd fiedle ip gricn,  they’d fim nap stup-idingg  wheyrt slopp hardt,  lack to re num lockt scrolll,  sum top nip apolo  jivin;,,,   ack  flup  nup reon sle gnu ner t  ap taple

uu kno wit yer faytherd alwis sayd ter may?   lit quick slumn ript ack tome piglettd  gears kum uf,  ap tum nop guff,  ter min guff;  hee gone ta kum tak other ther;  iz  purtied kool;  an okkk flink sop notd kurbt isde apt to pauk all thit;  meck  anic’al  erwhor,  slipt brnqw wil fit gfund slope ‘n’ nack

....  ack  flup  nup reon sle gnu ner t  ap taple...ack   mee to nid a fundt  yuoisle ;; got trom an airportd flunj  soquence.....  nip nip  hadle bumpsz  comm’d!

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